Hi everyone,

I’m a little bit unsure of how to handle this situation with a friend because I think it might be harassment. To keep it simple, I have a friend, let’s call her Olivia (fake name) who had a “experience” with a guy on a trip and it didn’t end well. My friend, who I’ve never ever seen act like this before has asked me and 20 others to message him on April 1st saying “hi this is Olivia”.

Meanwhile, he has blocked Olivia on all social platforms and phone number. I don’t want to do this but I’ve always struggled saying no, and I’m having a really hard time with this because it’s very unlike her but I really feel morally wrong about doing it so I’m looking to find out, is this a form of harassment I could inform her she’d be asking all of us to do? I saw an article saying 2 or more unwanted texts is considered harassment, so if she actually gets these friends to go through with it, that’s harassment right?

Also looking for a bit of advice on how I could tell her no, that I’m not comfortable doing this.

Thanks in advance for any advice, comments, or suggestions.

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