What is a conspiracy you still believe in to this day?

  1. Most of those I believed have proven true by this point but the last one that I am waiting to see confirmed is this: When the USA, Canada and European countries role out the CBDCs people will quickly learn that they have supported the most insane government powergrab ever under the guise of “preventing money laundering” and “holding big corporations accountable”.

    These CBDCs will be programmed to ban you from buying anything the people in power do not want you to buy, you will find that you are often unable to buy enough of the things you need and you will have to break the law if you want to save for retirement.

    And by the time the public realizes this, it’ll be too late, because if you try to leave your country for a place that respects individual freedom and the right to private property, they will freeze your bank account.

  2. The processed food industry, fitness industry, and pharma industry are working together to keep people addicted to food yet hopeful towards reaching their fitness goals. You don’t need the gym or drugs to lose weight and stay in shape.

  3. Humans were seeded on Earth / uplifted from domestic cro-magnon stock. Earth had a progenitor race of sophisticated bird- and/or lion-ish people, and our ancestral place alongside them was much like canines are to us now.

    Because why not.

    The Free-Masons are keeping the truth hidden. Under their hats.

  4. I think Kim Jong Un tried to nuke Hawaii. Right at the height of him bragging about their nuclear weapons and somebody “presses the wrong button” and sends all of Hawaii an emergency message saying a missile was headed their way. Quite a coincidence in the timing.

  5. Aliens & UFOs are cover ups & distractions that trickle down from the president on down!! Bigfoot, crypteds & creatures fall in there somewhere to im sure 😁🤣

  6. Greenpeace is funded by the meat and O&G industry to make environmental conscious and vegan people look bad.

  7. The increased importance in identity politics is a government Psy Op created during Occupy Wall Street to distract Americans from class issues and instead have them argue with each other about race and gender.

  8. Leftist woke progressive SJW politics are a tool to divide the people and distract from economic inequality. There’s no other way this ideology went from academic fringe theory to total mainstream in less than 10 years in virtually all western countries. The huge support from big tech and corporate in general is another indicator.

  9. Makers are very carefully researching and planning artificial obsolescence. I believe they actively invest in creating materials and constructions that are supposed to break in a given number of years.

  10. Bush knew 9/11 all along…

    I’m not saying USA made the 9/11 attacks. But they definitely had the intelligence and did nothing about it.

  11. The US military exists as a corporate bludgeon. If we can overthrow your government for -inserts corporate lobbyist/sympathizer- we absolutely will with no regard for the stability of your province, region, country, continent or international law.

    If we cannot do it through a proxy war, we will do it through a proxy-proxy war.

  12. Pizzagate. Not necessarily that the specific pizza place in the incident had anything going on, but massive pedophile rings existing among world elites in government, media, and business, yeah. That’s happening.

  13. The fashion industry gives women fake pockets or no pockets so that they can then sell them purses and bags.

  14. Wealthy families invest heavily in creating conflicts both domestic and abroad to line their own pockets. Most don’t give a flying fuck about peace or equality despite their advertising.

  15. Those Ancestry DNA kits that tell you who you’re related to are just a way for the world’s governments to stockpile genetic data on all their people. For what reason, I know not.

  16. The ones they actually published in books and discuss openly on camera but for some reason are supposed to be not true, even though every day reality is shaping up exactly as described.

    In short, everything involving politics is generally a conspiracy to rob the populace, that doesn’t mean every conspiracy theory is true. But government lies, and if it doesn’t they have an advantage by being truthful

  17. Misinformation is one of the biggest threats to modern society, even more so than war just because there’s so much of it and it’s easier to control than the truth.

    Additionally I think there’s a lot more wrong doings by the police than what is reported but it’s routinely swept under the rug for image and political purposes 

  18. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed.

    I’m not saying there was some mass conspiracy and the government was behind it or anything. But I think the US government rushed to blame someone so they could move on as quickly as possible. The killer/killers were never properly investigated.

  19. > “World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” – Marshall McLuhan (1970)

    The US military industrial complex teamed up with the schools and corporate media giants between the 80s/90s to wipe out the free press and take over the US via information warfare. It’s why Americans are so divided nowadays.

  20. In order to be classified as a conspiracy theorists, all you have to do is be aware of like, 4 things the CIA has done and openly admitted to.

  21. 9/11 was preventable and the intelligence services either fucked up or let it happen on purpose

  22. Tobacco companies knew that their product caused cancer but refused to publicly acknowledge it for decades.

  23. Bot accounts have spent years removing the ‘theory’ from ‘conspiracy theory’ so that the powers that be can convince people to associate the word ‘conspiracy’ with crazy made up bullshit, letting them get away with obvious fuckery because it’s no longer possible to discuss multiple individuals making covert plans without being called crazy.

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