For context I am a 23M ,and my ex fiancé 23F were together for 8 1/2 years. She was my high school sweet heart so I don’t have a lot of knowledge on dating as an adult. She is the only woman I have ever been with or even seen naked in person. Recently I decided it was time I should start dating again I’m still only 23 and want a happy life. I started by downloading Bumble and Tinder a couple of days ago ,and I end up coming across a girl I had a crush on in high school. (I say crush not just attracted to because I did want to date this girl I just wasn’t a cheater. My ex however was a cheater and sometimes it let to me wanting other woman. I just stuck around too long because I was scared of change. She was all I knew) Today I messaged that girl when I found her on Facebook ,and let her know how I felt. We talked for about 5 hours before she went to sleep. We had each other laughing and its the most excited I have been about a girl for a long time. We have an insane amount of things in common. She agreed to let me take her out to Olive Garden when I get back in town in a few days. *My biggest fear is going to kiss her ,and her not be ready for it. I can outright ask her if I can kiss her after the date ,but I feel like it wouldn’t be as romantic and meaningful for her. So how do I have my first kiss organically with her?” Also I don’t know how long I should wait to make a move to have sex together for the first time.*
P.S. I already have a nice outfit picked out for Olive Gardens I believe its a semi formal place not entirely formal. (All black Calvin Klein button up long sleeve and black jeans) Let me Know if I should be more or less formal please lol


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