My friend has this friend group she hangs out with at the start of the day before school and she said I’m welcome to come there if I want.
I went yesterday and it was cool, I’d like to go again today but I’m so scared to be a burden to everyone there. The thing is I’m a quiet person and I’m very shy around new people. But most of the people in that group are very extroverted.
And not to mention they are a goth group, and I don’t fit the goth aesthetic at all so I feel like I wont fit in either. Idk I really would like to go there because I’ve been feeling lonely lately and it would be nice to have a group to talk to everyday but I’m scared of annoying everyone there at the same.
Like I think if I showed up there every once in a while it would be fine, but I think they’d get annoyed of me if I showed up everyday.
I know my friend said I’m welcome to come but I’m just overthinking everything 😕

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