Basically i moved to a town 2 years ago and i dont go out much since i dont know a lot of ppl. The only ppl i know are friends from school but im trying to make friends outside of school. i recently started adding different ppl ( my age ) to become friends with but the conversation goes very short. For example i say “hi” they reply with either “hi” or “hey” then instead of saying hru i say “how are you” ( trying not to be dry ) they usually reply ” good wbu ” them i say fine, ask what they’re doing but after that irdk what to say since i dont know anything about the person. sometimws we ask eachother age and wyll but thats it. But also i dont really wanna be asking total strangers like what sports they play or like they’re hobbies since im not used to asking that and it make me feel like a creep sorta. If i do i rlly dont know what to say after cuz i feel like theyre not trying to keep the conversation.

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