Hi everyone,

Currently I’m a 34M and feeling ‘stuck’ in my life. I’m coming up on 4 years in my current role. Towards the end of 2023 and up until now, I really started to dislike my job and started desiring a change. However, it’s been pretty disheartening.

I make \~120K currently in a sales role. When looking for other jobs, I feel somewhat depressed like it will be hard to get back to where I’m at. Applied for some other sales positions, but I worry I’ll just find myself somewhere making a lot less and have to grind to get back to where I am, then have to advance to a sales leadership position then be right back to where I am – feeling burnt out. I’m grateful for the sales skills I’ve developed, and make the most money I’ve ever made. But I’m feeling unmotivated and interested in exploring other options.

At first I was thinking of just apprenticing as an electrician. The trade somewhat interests me. However, after a late night “I want to quit my job” driven anxiety, I found myself exploring the idea of pursuing an engineering path through the Canadian military. To me it seems a better upside coming out of it with engineering designation.

I could get an education paid for, while also being paid (albeit peanuts compared to what I’m making now, but this actually doesn’t bother me as I have saved and invested quite a bit; as long as I’m in the green I’m happy – not to mention I’d have my education paid for which is huge). Through job searching, I also noticed sales roles requiring engineering degrees that look very agreeable. So I feel like having the degree gives me options to work in engineering, but also the background in sales could give me an upper hand if I wanted to get back into it in an engineering capacity.

There are other things that interest me about this idea. Like learning french, the benefits, discipline, leadership, etc. My self-discipline has been low, so military training I feel could provide an external discipline and help me get back to a more disciplined member of society. I’ve lived in one province my whole life and the thought of moving across the country and trying a new environment with new challenges is kinda exciting as well.

I would have never explored upgrading my education at my age. I certainly don’t want to drain my savings to do so. But this option gives me an education while I’m paid and likely opens a lot of doors. I’m single and don’t have roots. I don’t have much of a social circle or that close to family. So I also wonder if doing something like this would give me a chance to meet new people and be a part of a group.

There are multiple options to pursue. Out of the engineering disciplines, I am leaning towards Mechanical. I am also interested in Civil Engineering though; currently an Aerospace Engineer Officer or Construction Engineer Officer in the military have caught my attention.

Has anyone had any experience starting an engineering path later in life?

Or, have you had any experience joining the military and have input on what the experience was like?

This is a long rant, so thank you for reading and providing any input.

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