Hey people!

I need ur advice. I met this guy a few weeks ago. We only went on one date which was to a show/club (very weird/bad first date idea, i know, but we both could do that day only and were going on our own anyways). We hit it off great actually and had a nice talk and even ended the night with a nice kiss. He’s quite hot, good kisser and all that.

Thing is that we only had one date but kinda wanted to only focus on him, but then he went abroad for a week and now I am basically busy with an event this week so we couldnt have a new date inbetween. After that we would check our schedules for a date. But I also had 2 dates lined up from a while ago before I met the dude that are in 2 weeks and I kinda insinuated that I was only dating him (very stupid, i just forgot about these dates cuz we have this dating app that you only look at the profile and instead of chatting you pay and go on the date immediately at a certain location they choose for you with a free drink).

I wouldnt mind going on these dates but something about this feels scummy with how much we text and seem to enjoy our texting and heavy flirting. But we also only had one date so no exclusivity what so ever and he also insinuated he is only dating me.

What is the best move to make? Go on these dates and see what its like? Politely decline them and tell them i dont have time/tell a white lie for when I dont hit it off with my current date, i can still try to go on a date with them in the future? Redditors pls help me!

TLDR; Met a cute guy, insinuated i only dated him, but have 2 dates lined up from before i met him in the future with others. What to do?

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