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OK so I hope this is the right place for this.

I feel like I’m really misinformed on this and I want to start to process of understanding what the hell is going on because this feels really abnormal and I don’t know what ‘normal’ is for the penis to an extent.

So I’m uncircumcised. And basically, a couple of years ago I had a Tinder date. She started giving me oral sex and It hurt so bad. Like she licked under the foreskin and it was just unbearable. This was my first sexual experience but I really should’ve expected it as whenever I physically touched under there even a tiny bit it hurt. I thought it was normal and somehow it wouldn’t hurt during sex. Don’t ask me how I thought that.

Anyway, I couldn’t get hard that time (another issue) so I didn’t engage in penetrative sex till another encounter a year later. This also hurt, I couldn’t really penetrate with any speed as I had to be careful my tip didn’t hit any flesh, as it hurt. So it’s not only oral sex that’s the issue.

What is causing this? Well, I suspect it’s the fact that my foreskin doesn’t fully retract, thus the penis isn’t getting exposed to air, etc. and not getting sufficiently sensitive. But I never really knew what ‘fully retracting’ is supposed to look like as I can pull it back a bit. Hence the attached pic. My penis looks like Pic 1 unretracted and looks like pic 3 when I retract as far as it can go. Is that normal or should I be able to go further than that like this pic seems to suggest (I’m assuming this is the same penis just getting retracted?

So –

Should I be able to retract more?

Is that the likely cause of the sensitivity?

What can I do to solve it? – I have a connection between the head and the foreskin (I’ve seen people refer to it as a skin bridge – which is more of a circumcised thing but possible with uncircumcised penises apparently) which is probably what won’t allow the foreskin to retract further. So maybe surgery? Of course, the next step would be seeing a doctor for those questions. But my question is do I need some medical intervention here? Should I go to the doctor with this? There is a problem, right?

Thanks for reading. I’ve been putting this off because I’m quite busy right now and the whole going to a doctor for this seems awkward. But I just find it quite depressing and it really limits my sex life.

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