Hello, I hope this is the right subreddit to ask.

I(22F) and my boyfriend usually have pretty rough sex and I tend to bleed few days after for an average of 2-5 days. Dark brown blood.

It doesn’t happen every month.

We do use lube sometimes, but I think because of how long each session is, it eventually gets quite dry and starts to feel very rough.

I’ve been trying to read about post-coital bleeding but am getting freaked out about the possibility of cervical cancer.

I think the cause of my bleeding is quite clear but I’m still worried. And frankly I am afraid to go to the gyno,,, I had previous childhood vaginal trauma and I cannot spread my legs fully til this day.

Hope this is clear, looking for some reassurance :”)

TLDR: frequent bleeding days after rough sex, scared of underlying conditions, scared of gyno too

EDIT: For further details, we usually have sex immediately after my period ends so I was thinking if it was old blood too

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