Together for 5 months, in an LDR but see eachother 1-2 times a month. A couple of days a go, he suggested that I move to his country for my education which I had been contemplating anyway. We wouldn’t be living together and we spoke about how we both want to be nearer but also the possibility of if we broke up etc.
yesterday, I told him I’d been accepted on to the course I want to study, he was happy for me but seemed very quiet.
I asked what was wrong and he said he’s got a lot on his mind and he doesn’t want to talk about it. I told him I was there if he needed me but if it’s about me or our relationship then I’d like the heads up. He said it’s not about us etc and that he loves me but did seem slightly annoyed that I’d asked if it was about us.
I feel a bit confused, I know some people tend to withdraw when they’re stressed etc and I know in the last couple of weeks he’s had some family issues. I tend to overthink everything and I’m not sure how to handle this as I am jumping to the conclusion that he’s going to break up with me even though he’s said he isn’t.
Just not sure how to support him I guess.

TLDR- how can I support him through this and help him to open up to Me?

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