Hello everyone, I’m a 45 year old man (Im sorry I don’t speak a good english), I’m a widower and I don’t have children (even though I would really like to have them). I’m writing to you because I need opinions and advice. I can’t stand my brother’s wife (just as my parents couldn’t stand her). Over the years the situation has worsened to the point of leading to serious acts that she perpetrated (with the support of my brother) against me. Unfortunately, my parents are no longer alive. They were two great honest workers and they left us several properties including a splendid villa by the sea. My brother and I had stopped talking to each other, including his wife. She has never worked and has always been supported by my brother. They have 2 children (my grandchildren) who I love very much and who I contact by phone every now and then. Now my brother got sick. Unfortunately he has a tumor and I don’t know if and how long he will be able to survive, the prognosis is severe. When my parents passed away we did the inheritance and each of us got 50% (me and my brother). I pray that my brother does not pass away, even though we hardly spoke to each other anymore, only recently we have become a little closer due to his illness, I don’t want him to suffer and I don’t want him to go away without me having tried to contact every specialized doctor and looked for every solution to his illness. But these days I am tormented by thoughts… with the possible death of my brother (which I hope does not happen even if the conditions are now critical), my sister-in-law would inherit all my brother’s properties and this thing (in addition to my brother) doesn’t let me sleep at night (believe me it’s not for the money, “I repeat”, I swear it’s not for the money!), but for the fact that a total stranger to the family, a tramp and liar like my sister-in-law would inherit half of my parents’ lifelong hard work, who, as I said, couldn’t stand her. My nephews are both minors. Do you have any advice on what you would do in my place? Imagine a woman who despises you, your parents, who your parents despised, who has never worked and who ends up with money and real estate from your parents’ hard work of an honest life. What would you do? Are there any legal ways to take action? Thanks and sorry if I was long-winded.

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