Yesterday, I had a really scary moment where I thought I might die. I was sound asleep when suddenly I woke up feeling like I couldn’t breathe properly. It was like I was gasping for air and making these strange noises that sounded kind of like a donkey. My mom woke up too because of the noise and tried to help me calm down, but I couldn’t even talk properly to tell her what was happening. I was panicking so much, feeling like I was suffocating.

My mom started patting my back, thinking maybe it would help clear whatever was blocking my throat. Surprisingly, it seemed to provide a little relief, but I still kept struggling to breathe. Then she suggested I try to throw up in case I’d swallowed something that was causing the problem. I gave it a shot, but instead of vomiting, I ended up burping, which was really weird. But surprisingly, each burp seemed to make it a little easier for me to breathe.

After that scary episode, I was too shaken up to go back to sleep right away. I just lay there, trying to process what had happened and worrying that it might happen again. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and I drifted off, relieved that the worst was over for the night. But it definitely left me wondering what had caused it and how I could avoid it happening again in the future. My mom was equally baffled by the whole thing, saying she’d never seen anything like it before.

So, what’s the explanation for what happened to me, and how can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? , and since i live in the uk it’s almost impossible to arrange an appointment with a doctor so idk what can i do for now,

EDIT: thank you guys for genuinly trying to help me i went to the doctor ( i went to a public hosptial and had to wait for 10 hours ) and he said my airways are tight and i might have an infection and next week im going to my gp , again thanks for everyone who gave me an advise but the thing is still happening to me but i can cope with it now and i also got an inhaler 🙂

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