So today I went to practice a sport for the first time and there was this guy that apparently was first time there too.
So we were playing and for every damn wrong move anyone from the team made he commented on it with a mocking tone like ridiculing their movements. He also called people by random names and they corrected him but he still called them the made up names. (Including me).
After a while, the people he was mocking started laughing with him and talking to him. I don’t understand, is that a normal social interaction?

I ignored him completely when he tried calling me with made up names, but people were actually responding him and correcting him and he didn’t care.

Sadly I was on his team, so I had to deal with his voice while playing but just couldn’t hold it anymore, I kept listening to his stupid voice and dumb comments for a straight hour non-stop until I got fed up and just left.

He called me by random names to say bye but I flat out ignored him, even his new friends were calling me like hey, he’s talking to you, but I just couldn’t give a damn about him.

How would you guys react to this or is this normal?

1 comment
  1. its not normal… but i have encountered a lot of ppl like this who i’ve flat out ignored every time i came in contact with them. people like this just thrive off attention they get from other people no matter how idiotic and insensitive they are. i feel like he just seeking attention from other people by acting immature. don’t entertain him by acknowledging him. i would just keep ignoring him tbh

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