Before I begin I have ADHD and social anxiety. Pretty sure that has to do with this, I just want to vent or find an easy solution to this.

I am medicated at the moment and for many years have always had many groups of friends. But no matter what I still feel as if I really don’t know how to socialize. I partially feel my recent depression and isolation has contributed to this, since I did go for long periods of time this year avoiding social interaction because of some issues I faced.

Now, I feel as if I’m walking on eggshells everytime I talk to someone because I have to be aware of how they react or if I did something good or bad. Like I’ve forgotten how to and I’m subconsciously seeking their approval with my social interactions. I don’t know if I explained myself? I love being with friends or meeting new people but it truly stresses me out now because I feel as if one wrong move and it’s over. Or when I talk and say things I get an opposite reaction than what I expected.

What I’m trying to say is I feel as if I have to learn how to socialize again even if I’m an adult. It has become something so foreign to me after so many years of finding enjoyment in it. How do I talk or get to know people now? What I avoid completely in socializing? I really need to be reminded of the basic skills, I feel like a child all over again.

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