It seems that I’ve always been a fairly intelligent person by the standards of most. I have excelled at most things I’ve done in life with little effort compared to my peers. Academic studies are seldom a challenge for me and I tend to learn things faster than most or so I’ve been told. I will not state my profession, but it is within a field that requires a large degree of technical knowledge and ability, most of which I taught myself. I make good money doing this, so I seem to be doing well there. I generally seem to have a pretty solid understanding of social acumen and decorum. People close to me tell me that I clearly have common sense when it comes to thinking critically through real life problems and devising solutions for them. I’ve also been told that I read people very well and am very insightful when it comes to understanding the world around me and how things are generally interrelated in most situations. Now, let me underscore the fact that I believe very little of this about myself. The reason being is because….. I can’t even tell a joke that is remotely funny or make an even mildly witty observation to save my life. I appreciate humor and love to laugh heartily when it comes my way, but I cannot produce it to save my life. Especially on the spot. It just does not come naturally to me and it makes me wonder if there is something I fundamentally lack that most other people seem to have in that area.

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