I have been in this relationship for only 2 months but I already have mixed feelings and guilt about this. I feel like he doesn’t like me as much as I like him and I’m scared to get hurt again. Should I break up with him or figure things out with him?

First thing, this is his first relationship and this is my second relationship. He talked to girls before but just simply didn’t work out. A few months before he talked to me he was in a mindset of not dating and career focused. For me I was in a super toxic 3 year relationship where my ex was a narcissist and I was emotionally abused. It’s been a year and few months since my ex. After we broke up I talked to people and got to see that there are people out there who will treat you right. Before I talked to my bf I was in a mindset of just talking to people just to talk and if I think someone is the one I’ll pursue them seriously.

Background on my bf and I’s relationship is that we talked for about a month and I just talked to him just to talk to him but then I genuinely started to like him a lot and he was the same. But the middle of the second month of talking I asked what are we because we both knew that we liked each other, went out on a lot of dates, and gave each other affection. This was a situationship. He told me he wasn’t ready for a relationship because he’s scared of being in one cause he hasn’t been in one. He was scared of not being the best for me knowing my past relationship (Before this talk of “what are we” we talked about our traumas and cried in front of each other, this is how I emotionally connected with him and liked him even more). He said he wanted to work on himself and wanted to be more secure with himself before being in a relationship so he ended things with me. I was really sad and depressed about it. A month later, he messages me wanting to talk and hang out again. I was very high on adrenaline and said yes because I missed him so much and wanted to be with him. Two weeks later he asked me to be his girlfriend.

When he asked me out, it was very casual. It was when we were cuddling and I didn’t expect it at all, I told him I wanted him to ask in a different way or at least be more serious about it. With that being said, you can argue asking someone out can be casual too but it reminded me of my ex and I where my ex asked me super casually (over the phone) and I didn’t even know we were actually gf/bf until a month and a half in. It’s been two months since my bf “asked me out” and he still hasn’t asked me seriously to be his gf. This kind of hurts and gives me anxiety.

Other notes, I feel like his emotional support is lacking for example, hyping me up or validating my feelings when I rant/talk about things someone or something made me feel. He’s very dry with his answers and I’ve told him about this in the beginning, but I haven’t seen much change. We live an hour away from each other, whenever we watch shows through discord he plays his game on the side and not have his full attention on the show and I would be like “did u catch that” and he would be like “huh” so I’d have to rewind. We also play games like Valorant together but he doesn’t like to play it anymore. Whenever I ask him to play it seems like he doesn’t have fun or try to and I just don’t ask to play anymore because I know he gets very tilted and upset at the game when I just wanna play for fun. I feel like he’s not very excited or interested in spending time with me.

There’s times where I think I’m a burden to him because the break we had from each other after he ended things he had gone back to the gym and got his sleep schedule back together. But after getting back with me he subtly blames me for not having the same routine he had before of going to the gym and sleeping on time. I sometimes sleep late but I have never made him stay up or told him to not go to the gym.

A lot of times I ask him “Do you like me?” and he’ll respond with “Yes, of course you know the answer to that.” I know myself I can be annoying saying that a bunch of times but I have an anxious attatchment style and he knows that. I just want him to show that he really likes me because it feels like he doesn’t.

When we see each other irl, it’s good. We laugh, joke, and talk to each other and he gives me attention. He usually pays for dates and he most of the time opens the door for me (he forgets sometimes and I point him out on it because it’s something he usually does all the time).

But, another feeling I have is guilt. A few weeks ago I met my distant cousins gf’s cousin and talked to him as a friend (had boundaries of not talking to him in that type of way). But we really bonded and vibed well together, we played games and talked with other cousins too. I could kind of tell he liked me but my sister told him I was talking to someone (I didn’t tell my sister at that time my bf and I were official because I’m not sure if we even are or I felt anxious or weird about saying it for some reason). Anyways, he seemed really interested in me but recently he texted me saying he can’t talk to me because he knows that i’m talking or with someone else. So I told him I understood and hoped we can still be friends (didn’t want it to be awkward within the family).

I had thoughts to myself, If i weren’t with my bf I would actually wanted to talk to this guy and maybe even pursue him because he gave me interest and more attention that my bf did in the beginning of our talking stage. This guy gave me golden retriever vibes and that’s like my type… My bf is kind of nonchalant and serious. I feel guilty for having these thoughts.

I’ve heard in relationships if the guy is more obsessed with you it works out better. Is this true? I feel like in all the relationships I’ve been in I’ve always loved hard (100%) and don’t get the same energy back which makes me sad.

I’ve talked/communicated most of these points with my bf in the beginning/few weeks of our relationship and nothing has really changed. I’ve been giving him a lot of the benefit of the doubt since it’s his first relationship but it makes you think, if this was your first relationship wouldn’t you want to put more effort into trying?

I don’t know how to feel. I don’t know if he’s in this relationship because of attention/affection. And I don’t know what to do or think. It’s literally only been two months…


My bf and I were in a situationship and now together for two months. I’m not sure if he even likes me with the actions he’s been showing me and I’ve communicated this to him about. Felt guilty about meeting this new guy through my distant cousins gfs cousin who is more of my type but I am still committed to my bf (made boundaries with that new guy).

  1. This is a very long post for a two month relationship. If things are that complicated so soon, it’s not a good sign

  2. I’m not gonna say whether you should or shouldn’t. However… I was in a similar situation. When I broke up with them, I made it about them. IF you break up with them, make it about you. This is why I’m unhappy… You make me feel this way… etc. I wish you the best, but be honest with with them, and with you.

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