Previous Post: [\_mostly\_but\_advice\_is\_appreciated\_always/](

TL;DR for my previous post: has been on dates with Boy A for 4 months. I did most of the driving each weekend. Didn’t text for a while, decided to end it because felt like I had nothing to say. Started having convos with Boy B around same time (not flirty).

Fast forward to now. It has been like two weeks since Boy A and I have said anything. At this point I know it is a mutual ghosting and that is fine by me lol. Boy B and I have been texting pretty regularly. Haven’t had the chance to catch up in person since the last work event a few weeks back but we have texted every day since then. Now back in the Fall when I was with Boy B over the holidays, he talked about not wanting to rush into a relationship because he had just gotten out of one. I don’t wanna get my hopes up so I am not even gonna ask him the relationship stuff rn cause I enjoy texting him. Even though only a few people interacted with my OG post, I felt like I should update lol.

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