Coming from an avid female cyclist, where does all the… stuff… go?? Do you like, push it off to the side, or the front? Does it stick out the back like a little tailpipe? Do you just sit on your balls the whole ride?? Is there even a way to ride comfortably???

I need answers to all of these.

  1. Just like men think women’s parts are higher up and more to the front, women think men’s parts are lower down. We can sit on a bike and our ‘stuff’ comfortably sits in front of where the butt contacts the seat.

  2. The tip of the seat typically goes in the area between the balls and the butthole. It wouldn’t be comfortable to sit any other way, unless the seat warranted it.

  3. Personally I tuck my junk back and pack it in my asshole. IDK what the hell all these weirdos are talking about.

  4. I have no clue and I ride a bike everyday. I guess I manage to figure it out somehow.

  5. It just figures itself out. They roll. All I ever remember is my taint being really sore

  6. I wear compression underwear. It has padding around the crotch. I only really do mountain biking though

    But bikes dont hurt my dick. Good seats are small and thin and rest perfectly on what is known as a sit bone. Our dicks are a lot further forward than a vagina, which a lot of women dont realize.

    Sitting on that bone causes minimal issues, and no stress to my man parts.

    If anything hurts its that bone tho, from the seat being too low. Your balls kinda just get pressed in front. Its that bone pinching muscle that causes discomfort. But the underwear helps. You gotta stand a bit on big bumps.

  7. Mens’ saddles have a little trapdoor. The penis is tucked down safely inside the seat post.

  8. After inserting the tip of the seat into your anus everything else just sort of falls into place.

  9. All our fun bits aren’t directly underneath us, they’re more front facing. So, as long as we keep good posture, it’s all going to more or less dangle off the front. Unfortunately though, there are times when we ride when we don’t keep form and it gets really uncomfortable.

  10. Ok don’t tell anyone, but we suck our balls and crank in like a turtle. Sorry fellas, I told her..

  11. My hybrid cruiser is fine. My boys just kinda get pushed in front of me so to speak.

    Mountain biking is absolute hell on my balls. At least once a ride they were getting hit hard; usually even more often than that.

    I usually wear boxers, but I’ve now bought boxer briefs that have a special ball pouch thing that keeps them up and outta the way.

    I forgot to wear them on my ride a few days ago. I wasn’t even 5 minutes into it and my nuts got slammed. It’s fucking terrible

  12. Like all the other guys said… as guys our sexual equipment is more ‘in front’ than literally between the legs… so when we’re sitting it’s all actually just chillin’ in front and we’re not actually sitting on it.

    That being said… long bike rides can actually be pretty uncomfortable on the taint area… what’s essentially the root of the penis. Sitting with your entire weight on that area for a long time can be pretty uncomfortable… and probably not good for us either.

  13. I’ve never found a seat or stance that keeps me comfortable on a bike to be honest.

  14. Ask a naked man to sit in front of you.

    You’ll notice the testicles are BETWEEN the legs, not under them.

    And basically with underwear, they’re kind of snug against the body.

  15. I ride on it until it loses circulation then run to my bedroom and pop open my laptop

  16. Our stuff is more front facing than some women realize, it’s not often that it gets in the way of sitting on anything including a bicycle seat as it’s basically ‘on top’ in that seating position. We do however have an awareness of it’s immediate configuration when we sit down, and account for that to keep from inadvertently causing some undue pain. That’s one reason men often sit with their knees wider than women do, space for accommodating the goods.

  17. the penis is in the front, unlike a vagina which is mostly at the bottom.

  18. The C & Bs are detachable. I just put them in my backpack until I arrive at the destination.

  19. I sometimes can’t even figure out if it’s a troll or a serious questions. Btw, i personally send my balls to HOGWARTS through that 9 3/4 wall. They take great care.

  20. There is a hole in the seat and we place it inside the seat while we ride

  21. I had to buy a saddle with a hole in the middle. That’s where my balls go.

  22. My balls stay tucked in my wife’s pocket most of the time so I really can’t relate, sorry.

  23. only thing men worry about is the HIGH velocity Command Post from Specialized, that eject’s a seat from low to high position at 1 billion PSI. Imagine a ramrod to the nuts or taint (or both) at extreme high speed

  24. By your logic it must be uncomfortable for men to sit down on any hard seat.

    Just think about that for a moment.

  25. Sits front and middle, pressure is on sit bones… blood circulation cuts off on long rides sometimes (currently looking a a new seat for even weight distribution)

  26. In Finnish one of the words sometimes used for bicycles is ‘munamankeli’ which translates to egg mangle. And we generally call testicles eggs instead of balls.

    So yeah, cycling for really long distances isn’t really comfortable.

  27. for all guys saying “it’s more up front” or “we tuck it with good posture” i disagree: Bike seats just aren’t comfortable in general, for me as a man anyways. On the flip side: our balls aren’t on our ass and asses are for sitting, among other things. These are facts.

  28. I’m going to say it: The bicycle seat needs to be redesigned for the modern age.

  29. The junk is further forward than you imagine. It hangs off the front of the pelvis rather than underneath. So, it sits on the bike seat in front of where my actually weight is.

  30. Do you grind your clit on the bike seat? Cause the balls just move and there’s a lot of space down there that isnt dick

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