I (22M) have never had a long lasting relationship in my life. But 5 or 6 times in my past I have met a woman who I think is great. I end up really liking them, so I ask them out. They say yes. The date goes well. We agree to meet up again. And again. And eventually for over a month or more we’re actively hanging out, texting a lot, some mild physical intimacy happens, we even meeting each other’s friends and family members. They seem so great. We seem so great together. But then, one day she says “Sorry, I don’t feel like dating anymore, bye.” Out of the blue. Happens so often to the point where I was anticipating that in my most recent relationship with a woman I’ve been seeing for a while now. And wouldn’t you know it, that just happened today. Yet 3 days prior she gave me a piece of jewelry that “represented us” as she put it. 3 days prior she was craving for my attention and flirting around with me ad nauseam. I still never left my guard down, so I’m not as hurt this time, but still, it just sucks.

What am I doing wrong? I will fully admit there were mistakes in hindsight I realized I did in past experiences. For this newest relationship though, I tried everything I learned but I guess it still wasn’t enough. Anybody else have this experience? How do you cope? Did you eventually find someone? Do you believe in hindsight you were just choosing the wrong people? I guess for more context, I’m not that attractive, though I am in decent shape and have a good height. I do genuinely find myself to be a friendly person. Of course I am flawed but I try everyday to treat everyone with kindness, same way I would like to be treated. And these past women have all called me that themselves. So I really don’t know what’s my problem.

Please give me some insight. Especially if you relate to this.

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