So I have known this girl for about 4 months now, but we only started talking for about a month now and 2 days ago when she was over at my house for a gathering of friends. After it ended I went to bring her home she told me to invite her next time I walk my dog in her neighbourhood, which I do like once a week so the next day I walked my dog in her neighbourhood and invited her over and we walked our dogs for a hour and after we went into her house where we just sat and talked for like an hour with her mom, cause she was there too so things went great and I really like this girl and I’m pretty sure she likes me too.

So pls help me cause this is my first time with any girl and I’m really lost and don’t know what my next move should be like, should I take her out to the movies or take it a bit slower and wait for next week when we are having another gathering with friends and invite her over too.

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