This is a follow up to my original post:

What I (33) left out from the original post because I didn’t want to be judged, was that the next morning after our sleep over, I woke up very early around 6 am because that helps all the time when I sleep in a space that isn’t my home.

This was the morning of my birthday and I figured I’d go home as I had dinner plans with my friends but I didn’t want to just leave without saying anything. So I knocked in his room. He (34) was still sleeping, then he started asking me how I slept blah blah blah then I ended up feeling sleepy again and we cuddled up and slept until 11 where he offered to make me breakfast.

Anyways, today we were texting about him being a player and I straight out told him about my thoughts and he admitted that he gets a lot of attention from women and he has commitment phobia. I told him that I want something serious and he is not that. We talked about the prospects of meet up as friends which basically includes continuing our exercises together.

You may judge me for this and think it’s odd but I proposed that since I am going to be single for a while we occasionally meet up to make dinner and watch movies and then cuddle and if he’s open to it, we could even have sleepovers. I made it clear that I don’t want sex because once sex is involved I will for sure get attached. I know how to control myself so I’m not worried about temptation

I asked this because while I’m not ready for a relationship, he made me miss and crave affection a lot. I’ve been single for two years and doing just fine mostly but now I want to cuddle and watch movies with someone but I don’t want a relationship just yet.

He did say it would be difficult to not be horny during the process but he’s open to it.

I would have preferred to have the conversation in person but it was overall good despite it being via text.

Am I crazy for this? Or am I just being human?

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