What behaviors and mindsets make a Man “Powerful”?

  1. Be humble, be kind, be honest …… done.

    Don’t confuse humble with shy, don’t confuse kind with weakness.

    All my accomplishments are 100% tributed to the teams I had the privilege of leading.

  2. Fake it until you make it, when it comes to confidence. It has worked wonders for me.

  3. A man’s power lies in:

    – saying no more than he says yes

    – being able to walk away

    – being prepared to lose in order to have a chance at winning

    – choosing quality over quantity in everything

    – embracing moderation in everything

    – knowing that cheap sex won’t make him whole

    – knowing that comfort is his biggest enemy

    – knowing that 10 guaranteed enemies are better than 1 friend he is unsure of

  4. Money and influence. Or if you mean strength wise then it would be big muscles and genetics.

  5. Not finding any excuses and doing what you need and want to do. Like, don’t ever make yourself the victim of what surrounds you, find the root of the problem in yourself. You are not fat because of “thick bones”, you are fat cause you eat more than you burn. You are alone not because “society and women especially are cruel”, you are just afraid to go outside and touch some grass

  6. Taking ownership of what you say and do. Anyone who lies, backpedals, or denies is weak.

  7. Only being ruthless/practical/emotionless can truly make you powerful. Anything else just becomes shackles in your feet.

  8. The dark triad:

    * Narcissism
    * Machiavellianism
    * Psycho/sociopathy

    Have you ever seen that phrase, “Well-behaved women don’t make history”? Where do you think they got that from? Great men (in history) are almost always bad men.

  9. The thing that will make you feel most powerful in life is to not let yourself get trapped. You don’t need to keep every out in arm’s reach, but stay aware of your options. I notice that people tend to discount a lot of their options, they talk themselves out of it, or it doesn’t even occur to them. Even if you don’t intend taking those options, just knowing they’re there affords you a sense of security and control that makes you untouchable. Importantly, a sense of security and control that doesn’t involve being *controlling*. You don’t need to wear a crown, you just need to know where the door is.

  10. True empowerment is realizing that your choices control every aspect of your life. Who you are with, what work you do, how healthy your body is, how much fun you have, and what rewards you earn for the risks you take.

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