Sorry for the long post. Serious conversation here men. I (M26) married my wife (F40) almost 2 years ago. Met 3 years ago. I have dated a few times before we met. She had never “gone steady” with anybody before me. When we first started dating things were amazing. We both were intimate and very close. We lived separate until marriage. Since getting married, she hardly ever wants to be intimate anymore. She takes her bra off to change and like shields herself, not even hardly allowing me to see her naked. When we have been intimate, it has been lackluster at best. She hardly ever wants to do anything intimate anymore. Only wants to sleep and eat.

I dont understand what I’m doing wrong or what to do. I treat her like a queen. Buy her presents all the time. Work a full time job. Do most of the household chores without complaint. Does anyone else’s wife do anything like this? If so, how do you handle it?

TLDR: wife never wants sex. Idk how to handle it. Advice welcome.

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