me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year. first half of our relationship we had a very healthy and fun sex life. then the last 6 months, it went to 1 time a week.. to once a month.. to now 2 months with no sex. i know it’s been at least 2 months because now im 8 weeks pregnant.
i’ve brought this to his attention before, and he said he’s not with me for sex and i was putting too much pressure on him (which didn’t feel fair, because this was the only time i brought it up to him)
after that conversation though- he made more of an effort and we were having sex regularly again, and then shortly after it fell off (again).
i know for fact he’s not cheating, nor does he have a secret porn addiction.
for the last 2 months, i’ve made advances and he’s rejected me. he doesn’t seem interested or even attracted to me.
it makes me feel very insecure, and honestly sad. i feel physically disconnected from him, and from a part of myself. i enjoy sex and being intimate and i struggle with the fact that i don’t even feel comfortable to make a move on him.
if he had never been so sexually active in the first half of our relationship, i wouldn’t be as confused. i just don’t know what’s wrong and i don’t know how to get him to talk to me about it?

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