Hi guys, I’m 27F & my boyfriend is 24M we just started dating a couple months ago he lied to me on several occasions already, what should I do? Basically should I break up with him or just give him a hard time and see if he proves himself? He asked me to be official the past week and honestly I’m just scared he is probably not as mature as I thought in terms of the relationship and how to express and handle things (caught him in lies) so I met him at work we have a coworker (28F) he would religiously go have smoke breaks with. I don’t smoke so I wouldn’t mind when he does with her. So one day I randomly woke up and wondered did they have a thing or talk/deal with eachother before being that my trust with them was VERY high I vented to her about things with him and he did etc. and basically I asked them both, they both denied of anything other than friendly “smoke breaks in the car” one night of tequila shots and hanging out I asked again and was told by the girl they did kiss multiple times and then decided to stop because “it was wrong to me” he was apologetic and saying he did it spitefully because that week I upset him but to me that’s just idk I’m sad. I was so sweet to the coworker treated her like a sister and then to learn that just gives me unnecessary worry I wanted to avoid. He’s claiming he going to fix it which to me would be they just strictly converse about work and cut everything off. But it had to take me to ask and find out for this? Smh idk what to do. Any advice I am happy with him, besides that our bond is so natural we have the best time together, laughing its peaceful we like similar things. But idk I just feel played because he continuously lied to me and to make this all worse I gave them both opportunity to tell me. Now I’m like is this going to be a stress for me? Idk. Please anyone with any advice on what I should do, I’m also applying to other jobs so I don’t have to work directly with these people anymore. I knew what I was getting into having a relationship with a coworker but HELL I didn’t think something like this would occur. So now I’m just worried what else he could or have lied about? Any suggestions on what you think is the best move going forward for a healthy relationship still?

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