What does Reddit think about work life versus personal life?

I go to work and focus on doing my job and then go home. I enjoy my job, it is the right fit for where I am in life, but sometimes I feel like I must have missed the class on being overly involved in the workplace.

I don’t have meaningful relationships with my co-workers because I draw a fine line between work and home…am I the only one?

Am I supposed to be a social butterfly and want to stay late or some early just for the sake of being overly involved in my work?
I have co-workers who act as if this job is their life. I feel totally opposite! This is a component of it, and the real living starts when I get back home with my unit.

Grant it, the last job I had was 24/7 and I never had a weekend to myself or even an evening due to constant calls and emails from my staff. Now I work in a position where I am a department of one and enjoy the solitude. It is nearly the opposite of that last job that had no boundary between work and home…did my last job damage me in someway from making friends at work and actually enjoying the camaraderie that comes with it?

Just wondering what everyone thinks about work in general, and how much of your identity is tied to your job versus your personal life.

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