Hey folks I encountered a situation at work I can’t make much Sense out, and would like to ask people to help to evaluate what happend.

But first of all, sorry for my bad use of the english language. It’s not my first tounge and I try my best but apologies in advance.

The situation is a nothing extraordinary. For context I work in a warehouse. And I got the task from my team leader to go and get a delivery from another department. For that I had visit their order office and talk to their head of departmend. I went to their office, and the door was open. I looked inside and evrybody was working on their Pc’s,no one was facing the door.

So I knocked on the door and excused the interruption. The whole room like 7-8 Woman looked up. I asked for the head of departmend, she jumped up and we talked about dilevery. (3000 pieces of clothing) We talked for like 5 minutes, she is a nice person but overwhelming.

But I noticed that the whole room was starting at me, the moment I knocked on the door.

So I wondered and keep asking myself did I do anything wrong? I feel like the normal reaction would be to shortly look up and proceed to work.

Thing is I felt like I aged like 20 years during that 5 minutes. I showed signs of stress, like ligth sweat.
But I managed to stand naturally with a straight back and chest out. I was able to speak fluent. My intensity was mild and my tone friendly.

I feel like I managed the situation pretty Well considering how I felt inside.

But also feel like I did a mayor faux pas along the lines.

So given the informations I shared, is there something I did wrong or I could have done better.

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