Women who have gone through a significant weight loss what do you hate about it?

  1. Personally I hated how people say that your face used to look better when it was chubbier and another thing is I had to change my face lock multiple times since my phone didn’t recognise my face lol

  2. Hair loss and when someone comments. I know “wow, you’ve lost weight, you look so good” is meant to be a compliment, but it feels backhanded 🤷‍♀️

  3. It’s been 7 years, and my brain still thinks my body is the one I had before! My physical self and the self I ‘see’ in my mind do not match.

    Sometimes changing your body won’t change the insecurities or limitations you put on yourself.

  4. It’s really disconcerting when you notice how much nicer people in general are to you, even though that’s the only thing that has changed.

  5. Everything is saggy. I may look better from the outside, but I’m still as undesirable naked. And I’m not even done yet by a long shot.

  6. The loose skin sucks, and you really notice how shallow people are when suddenly you’re skinny and random strangers are nice to you, when they wouldn’t have even noticed you before. It takes some getting used to

  7. That I wasn’t able to even recognize it, to me it wasn’t changing so I was still on a quest to lose even more until one day I finally build acceptance for my body.

  8. Currently on a streak of losing weight (because my damn mind is finally in the right place) and so far my biggest annoyance is that I now will have to buy an entire new wardrobe. Even my old socks aren’t staying where they need to be anymore, lol.

  9. Probably the body dysmorphia of looking in the mirror and seeing myself as huge or fat when I’m literally a size 4 . 🙄

  10. i look emaciated instead of just slim. my sister and i are the same weight (its impossible for her to gain weight and has been thin her entire life) but she wears it well. my face looks sunken and gaunt

  11. I admittedly had an ED at age 13 and lost a lot of weight. The worst part was having friends, family and adults commenting on how amazing I looked and asking how I did it then looking horrified when I told them how I’d lost so much weight yet doing nothing to stop/help/support me. I’m lucky to have an amazing GP who helped me get back into a more healthy mindset but since then let’s just say I’ve become a little too comfortable in my relationship with food 😂

  12. I lost 5 stone in weight and there is two things that I hate about it. One is having loose skin, particularly around my belly as I’ve had children. Two is feeling cold all the time. No matter how many layers I’ve got on, I still feel freezing.

  13. I’m not sure what you would consider significant but I had lost 30-40lbs within 6 months due to intense stress. People would comment on how good I looked and what the secret was all the time.

    The secret was that I found out my husband was cheating on me and my entire world shifted. I was always someone that turned to food in times of stress but all of a sudden I’d eat one bite and feel full.

    I wished people didn’t comment because it made things really uncomfortable

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