Today I (19F) was playing games on my boyfriend’s phone. I was in his bed switching between playing games on his phone and watching tiktok/netflix on my phone. He wanted to play his xbox in his living room outside but I wanted to stay in bed so this was the compromise. We’ve been together for a year and 4 months now. Ever since we’ve started dating, my boyfriend has always been secretive of his phone and I’ve shrugged it off because it didn’t seem like he was hiding anything from me and we know each other’s phone pass codes. Plus I’ve always been allowed on his phone when he’s watching me. But today i don’t think he knew I was on his phone since he was outside.

I know this was wrong of me but I got bored of everything because at this point, we’ve been doing separate activities for at least 2 hours. I decided to look through his photos because why not. At first I didn’t see anything irregular, just some work pictures and pictures of us. Sometimes he will video us during our intimate times, only when I allowed of course so I decided to look into the hidden folder where these videos would be. The reason for this is because lately, I’ve had a gut feeling that he’s been videoing me when I don’t know and when I ask him, he always says no he didn’t. So when i got into the folder, I found a ton more videos than I expected him to have, but I also found screen recordings of my friend’s dance videos in this folder. She’s a contemporary dancer / gymnast and will take dance classes and post them onto instagram. The reason I’m guessing these videos are in the same folder as the videos with me in them is because in these videos, she’s wearing a semi revealing tank top. But it gets hot dancing right? It’s not abnormal for a girl to wearing a tank top. But I’ve been extremely distraught by this all night. This was the girl my boyfriend previously had a crush on for 3-4 years but supposedly “gave up on” the year before we started dating because so many guys liked her.

My gut also told me to look in my boyfriend’s recently deleted folder and to my dismay, it was full of girls. This would be less shocking if pictures of pretty girls weren’t the only thing in his recently deleted. Some pictures are selfies of the same dancer girl, random asian girls ( i’m pretty sure they’re most likely someone he follows on instagram), and mirror selfies of my old friend from elementary school. The pictures of my elementary friend were actually shocking because he does not talk to her at all. ( not that I know of ) I sent a video of his recently deleted to a friend but then closed his phone because I was too much in shock from what I found. I know that my boyfriend watches porn to relieve himself but I had no idea that he would do it to girls he knows?? Especially my friends?? I know I should ask him to clarify everything but I fear that this conversation might lead us to the end our relationship and I really love him and don’t wanna lose him. But at the same time this is really weird and creepy… Please help I have no idea what to do…

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