He hasn’t made me orgasm in the duration of our relationship and communicating what I need/want doesn’t help, he just doesn’t get the right spots.

Maybe I let it get too far into the relationship,
I communicated it in the beginning but it didn’t work and we’re best friends so I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

It’s possible I neglected my pleasure and feelings as I tried and it didn’t work and it was easier not to say anything for a while.

Now I want to focus on my pleasure and trying new things but I can’t help but feel guilty asking for it to be about me, while of course him too. It’s frustrating that this doesn’t come naturally to him and he isn’t worried about my pleasure or excited.

When I mentioned it to him he just doesn’t have this excitement I want, I want him to get off on my pleasure sometimes.

How can I tell him this?

Edit: I appreciate all comments, but if I could get specifics on what to say. Men, what has worked for you in the past? What advice do you have?
He’s willing to try and learn but what I’m telling him just doesn’t help him understand what I need or what to do.

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