My (34) wife (30) and I have been together for 8 years and we are approaching our 5th wedding anniversary and we just had our 3rd child in July. Until recently, I have never doubted her love or attraction to me. Lately I’ve noticed she doesn’t touch me, hit on me, or talk to me like she used to. It seemed to happen overnight. My attraction to my wife has only grown with each year. I love her body and love the fact she is the mother of my children. We both work and are busy with our kids. We are both exhausted, but most nights when we are alone she focuses on her phone like games or Facebook. When we do have sex it’s pretty rushed and straightforward. My self confidence has taken a hit because I do not feel like she is interested in me. That makes me feel like she would rather be left alone. I know this may be as simple as we are both busy and tired, but I do not want this to be the beginning of the end. Does anyone have advice on how to improve my interactions with her or communicate to her how this is effecting me?


I feel like my wife is distant and I want to keep my marriage spicy.

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