So I’ve (38m) been seeing this girl (34 f) for about a month. We hang out a couple times a week. She usually initiates when she can hang and I pretty much always agree and make time. About twice a week we see each other. We’ve slept together several times and are all over each other. She’ll even figure out what I like and try and provide that for me, whether it’s communication styles, or sex stuff, or what I look for in a girl (intellectual convo) she’ll listen and then I notice her trying to win me over with said stuff. We’ve had several conversations entertaining the future together, not in serious detail, but one example is she said she was a bit nervous because she’s not used to being around kids and she doesn’t know how I’ll react to her non motherliness if/when she meets my daughter someday. I thought it was cute. Anyways…

The other day we were at her house and I told her I was going to be exclusive to see where this goes. I told her she didn’t have to do the same. She said she’s definitely interested to see where it goes and exploring our relationship more (she never said she would go exclusive directly). Anyways it was all fun we were all over each other for the remaining hour then I had to go.

A couple days letter she sends me a looong text about an intellectual conversation we had, she definitely put time into the text and I think she did it because I told her I need someone who can stimulate me intellectually. I thought it was cute. She also mentioned in the text the days that she was free, and I agreed to hang out one and/or two of the three options she provided.

After taking my Hinge down shortly after her text, I went on her profile and noticed she updated her profile with new pictures. She did this after I deactivated my profile. I’m confused as to why she did this and am wondering if its a) no biggie b) a sign she’s not trustworthy maybe there is a c) there? Anyways the dating game today isn’t easy and there are things I really like about this girl, but I don’t want to move forward with someone I cant trust. Was she putting the new pics up because now that my profile was deactivated she thought i couldn’t see hers and saw a window to update her profile without raising suspicion? Or do all people know pretty much even a deactivated profile can see people you’ve previously messaged with? Is she self sabotaging? Having second thoughts? I really just don’t know what to think about it. Any help would be huge.

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