I met my boyfriend about 6 months ago. Things have been going well. He seems caring and loving to me but a bit short tempered and impatient.

For example, he once asked me what I would like as a gift. I told him that any gift he gets me will be fine. He then asked what if I didn’t like what he got. I replied that while that is a possibility, I will still accept any gift graciously.

He then said in a very impatient, almost yelling voice, “Why am I even getting something if there’s a chance you will not like it??! Do you expect me to go and return it?? What will I do with it then?” I was confused as I already told him before that I would accept anything he gets. But after hearing him, I told him that it’s better if we keep gifts for later. He agreed in that same impatient voice. This was about a month ago.

Now, a few days ago, we were talking on the phone about outdoor activities / games that we could do together and what each of us likes. He mentioned that he is good at football. I replied, jokingly, that I might be better than him at it and can easily beat him at it.

He answered with these exact words, “No, you cannot. I will easily break both of your legs before you do that” in a completely serious and matter-of-factly voice. He wasn’t joking.

I didn’t know how to answer as I was a bit shocked with that answer. After a few minutes, I told him that was not something I was expecting from him. He just listened quietly and seemed unconcerned. I then ended the call.

I now have a weird feeling about all this and don’t know if I am over reacting or if it’s just something I should ignore and move ahead with the relationship. Is my concern justified?

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