We’ve been married for 2.5 years but together for over 10 years. My husband often works long hours, leaving around 6am but not getting home until 8/9pm and then carrying on working until late. It’s been like that for a few years now, with periods of him realising it’s affecting our relationship and cutting back his hours only to soon fall back into it again. It’s been a lot worse recently and I feel like a work widow.
In the past few months on top of this any small amount of time we could get together he is attached to his phone, with at least one earphone in watching a film or video 24/7 so I never even have his full attention. We rarely share an evening anymore like we used to and even if we do sit down to watch something together or do something together he works whilst we watch or has something else to watch at the same time. I feel so distant.
Other than this we have the perfect marriage, still make each other laugh until we cry and work well as a team. It’s just in recent months he has grown more and more distant.
I want to talk to him again about it but any time I try to hes so stressed knowing how I feel but also with the workload and is trapped between the two. I don’t want him to be more stressed and to be the reason for it.
Meanwhile I’m enjoying my time more and more with male friends and I feel so incredibly guilty for it, seeing how much attention they pay me knowing I’m not getting anything from him.
We’ve only recently bought a house together and are trying for a baby but I’m second guessing what will happen when the baby arrives. I need him there to support me with it and I don’t want to feel more isolated than ever.

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