Hello, I have had this strange insecurity for years that I sound absolutely stupid when I talk. I generally always tend to have something to say in social situations, I’m not particularly awkward or shy but I am horrible at talking. Some people have such a clear and concise way of expressing themselves and are pleasant to listen to, I feel like I am the exact opposite. I stumble over my words, I hate the way my voice sounds because it’s naturally very raspy and I have to clear my throat often, I even feel like my mouth moves weirdly when I talk – I forget words and sometimes have to start my sentence all over because I’m not sure how to finish it. It only happens when I speak out loud, I’ve always been good at expressing myself through writing or at constructing sentences in my head. It’s a huge insecurity of mine that comes with other issues such as being scared to speak to people, feeling like I have no friends, feeling like everybody thinks I am weird…. are there any ways to become better and more confident at speaking to people?

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