I’m 22M, almost 23 and I have a body count of 1 from high school. I have gone through a lot of hard ship through college, like I was in a crippling car accident that nearly killed me my Sophmore year. I have had romantic interests since then but they just haven’t gotten anywhere. I live with my parents because my accident took up a lot of my money and I’ve been saving to pay off student loans. Is there something wrong with me? I know I am fat and have been working on losing weight a lot. Currently down 5 lbs (I weigh 235lbs). I think I look pretty handsome but I am just really bad with women. I get severely jealous of other men with high body counts. I don’t do a lot of hook ups because once again, it never seems to work out. I match with someone and they don’t reply or they unmatch me. I have been going to the gym to raise my confidence as I have been suicidal lately. I guess my question is, am I abnormal?
Thanks for your time for reading and being a kind person 😊

  1. Don’t worry bro, I turn 23 next month and I’m in the exact same position with dating.

    The only real difference is that I’m a virgin.

  2. Keep working on you. As a lady, I find it totally normal and more common than you may think tbh. But making sure you’re in a good space will be important. Work on self-love — not just physically, but in an inner way as well; it will help a lot.

  3. Why is that a big deal? 1 is not bad and women don’t always want men with lots of bodies

  4. The issue is that you are fat as you have said yourself. 235lb is a lot. If you fix that you will have a lot more success

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