My husband (29m) and I (28f) have been married for almost a yr. In the beginning of our relationship we were having sex all the time. Even after we got married we had sex frequently. For the past 2 months I’ve tried to initiate sex with him but I’ve been getting rejected.

For example: the other night, my husband was laying on the couch and I started kissing his neck and he put his hand up for me to stop. So I stopped and walked away.

Another example: I’d text him freaky stuff during the day or evening time and he replies back saying okay or tell me why am I blowing up his phone. 😔

I’ve tried communicating with him when I noticed one month went by.

I’m kind of a sexxual person and truly love having sex. But getting rejecting a couple times it makes me wonder am I not attractive or is there something wrong with me.

So my questions here are, is it okay to go 2 months w.o sex? Does sex decline in a relationship once you’re in a marriage?

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