Tldr: Fiance 30m left me 34f behind all holiday to spend time with his brother 35m instead, i then let my insecurities get the better of me and ruined the holiday and relationship.

Me and my fiance have been in an on and off relationship for 3 years, there’s been infidelity on his part but it’s something weve overcome and I made the decision to stay with him.

We had never been on holiday before and finally booked a holiday, a month before the holiday he asked if his brother 35m and their partner 39f could come on the holiday, he said that we would still go on our own dates and do our own thing then meet back up as a group, so i agreed.

We went on the holiday, the first day we got there we decided to all go for a walk and get a drink, this is when it started, my fiance and his brother decided to walk miles ahead and leave me and his brothers partner behind.

I adressed it that night and he said he would stop and the next day we went on a lunch date just us 2 and he walked with me, it was lovely.

After lunch his brother called and wanted to meet us and it started again and they both walked ahead to the point where they lost us, then didnt answer their phones for 2 hours and went drinking together, leaving us behind without a care in the world.

This continued for the entire holiday, he just walked ahead leaving me behind acting like i was invisible.

This is where i messed up, i felt so insecure that he was leaving me behind and acting like he was a single man, not a care about me. I could see him glancing at other woman, which wouldnt have affected me had we been together. So i started to bring it up everytime and it caused a huge row, i know i was wrong i was so frustrated that this was our holiday and he was acting like i wasnt there.

His brother and partner got involved and they all called me crazy and so i retalliated and told the brothers partner that the pair of them had been taking drugs the whole time (she had no idea). Which again i know wasnt my place.

My fiance said iv caused them drama and couldnt believe i would do that, i cant even to be honest.

My fiance took my ring off me, said hes done and then asked to just give him some space.

I feel so angry and dissapointed with myself that i acted that way, i know i have work to do on myself but im also heartbroken that he couldnt spend the holiday with me like we had planned.

Im terrified i have lost him for good, what do i do now?

I will give him the space he needs and not bother him. But i cant settle in myself and im my worst enemy right now.

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