How do you stay organized? and maintain a work /fun life

  1. Stop doing drugs and way too much alcohol, focus on a sporty and healthy lifestyle and always keep an eye on your finances. Sooner or later this way of thinking will infuse you and you stay organised all by yourself.

  2. I can get very scrambled sometimes so I either record everything thats on my mind in a voice note to let it out, or write a to do list. To do lists might be mankind’s most productive aid and are very underutilised

  3. I have a fairly flexible job, but one thing I do, is always show up early. Usually 40 minutes to an hour early. I can usually get more done in that time, without people around bothering me, than I can the rest of the morning when everyone shows up. I also don’t hesitate to kick out a little early at the end of the day.

  4. you have to make sure your job does not overly stress you out on a continuum. If you come home from work every day or even most days with the intention of being a zombie on the couch and going to sleep, you might have to go pick another job bc you can’t sustain a life like that if you’re interested in doing other things with yourself outside of employment.

    you also have to organize your home or bedroom. make sure the kitchen is clean make sure the laundry is completed make sure that your home is reasonably organized so your living environment is not causing the same kind of stress that work causes you, so you have to set out a little bit of time a few times a week to maintain the discipline within your own home.

    I usually give myself somewhere between 2-4 hours a day of “me” time. meaning, I do whatever I want during that period. exercise, hang out, fuck around, eat a chocolate cake etc.

  5. Do one household chore as soon as you finish your work day. It can be something as small as wiping down the counters or something bigger like vacuuming the house.

    If you cook at home, there should almost never be a point where you are standing around waiting. Clean something up or put something away that you aren’t using during any downtime. You also won’t end up with many dishes after the meal this way.

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