Guys my age aren’t thinking about their future and how to build it. My current boyfriend freezes and gets overwhelmed when I ask him to do the slightest bit of introspection. I feel like guys my age don’t understand the relationship between love and sacrifice. They barely know how to appreciate what their parents have done for them. They’re just going where the wind blows. That’s fine and dandy for them, but I can’t live like that.

If I’m not working towards a future, I feel like I’m not working towards anything. I know that no one every really has things figured out, but I want to be with someone who at least has a projected path and is taking the right steps in that path.

I only date for long term, because I wanna build a future with someone as my witness of accomplishment, a support through hard times, a sponge for my love.

I’m thinking about transferring to the local university and trying to get with guys in their late 20s.

What do you guys think?

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