Original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/o8dXh5Qpmw)


My wife and I communicate very well and I say with confidence that we reached an actionable conclusion.

I know what she wants and why – I know how I can give that to her without compromising on our relationship or my own boundaries

I understand that I should have never agreed to the first encounter as it likely cascaded into a lot more for my wife than it did for me – I would encourage anyone else who finds themselves in this situation to never go down that road at all.


I’ll start off by saying I really appreciate everyone who stopped by and shared their opinions and insight

I ended up having a conversation with my wife a lot sooner than I anticipated and wanted to share the outcome because I got a lot of great advice from this subreddit – I also didn’t realize how common this topic is

Some context first because I think it’s important to understand the dynamic I have with my wife:

I’m a co-founder of a company in our home city and have a very flexible work schedule that allows me to WFH almost every day

My wife has not worked in 4 years and spends a lot of time at home as well – this dynamic causes us to spend about 90% of our time together. I don’t get drinks with the boys while she’s at home and she’s never left me at home to go out

For some people that would cause a lot of friction – but because it’s been that way for almost the whole time we are instead very close and I can honestly say my wife is my best friend

I’ve always known I’m my wife’s type but over the years her attraction to me has grown – I’ve always been tall and well built but I’ve made a lot of progress in my physique in recent years as well as the success of my business has contributed to the way my wife views me and treats me.

Which is why I was so confident that she is genuinely curious and explorative rather than manipulative or disloyal. You simply could not fake her behavior for 4 years without being a complete psychopath.

WITH ALL THAT SAID… let me explain how this conversation went:

I came home from the gym this morning and immediately told her I wanted to get something off my chest

We sat down and I said “I’d be open to a threesome with another guy… did you have someone in mind?”

Two reasons I opened like that: I wanted to put her on the spot so she couldn’t articulate a response and would just be honest – and second I wanted to know how much she thought about it (i.e. did she have a guy in mind already)

Her excitement was immediate – she was definitely still interested but said she hadn’t thought about the other guy but figured we could do something similar to our vacation fling – and told me I could pick someone out

This made me feel better but I slipped up and blurted out “well what was with you eye balling that dude at the gym last week when you brought the whole thing up”

She was kinda taken aback but then looked shamed and after a brief conversation she told me after our vacation threesome she had been kind of obsessed with the sexual encounter and loved the attention

It felt like a lot to unpack at first but her honesty really helped me understand – she told me it made her feel desired and attractive – assured me it’s not because I don’t show her enough of that – but coming from a stranger made it feel sexy

It was weird to hear but I thought on it for a moment and admitted I admire attractive strangers too and enjoy attention from them – it’s the internal part of me that knows it’ll never happen that clears my conscious – is my wife’s honesty about her fantasizing much different from me? Probably not.

Her MFM fantasies started after reading a novel with a few of those “scenes” and the protagonist’s husband was not only into it but supportive so I can see how it would soften up the topic and make her feel it was a legitimate ask

I admitted I was not into the idea of a MFM encounter at all – but still wanted to satisfy those desires as best I could while maintaining our exclusivity.

I apologized for not being honest when I said I was interested, I had to be 100% certain her response was genuine in order to know how to deal with it. She understood and said she didn’t blame me.

She suggested another woman again but with some added tools that could mimic a male partner (fill in the blank there)

I reiterated that I wanted to avoid another partner all together – she took that really well and seemed to understand my emotions better.

The conversation ended really well and I actually feel so much better understanding her feelings at that deep level – I could relate to a lot of it if I’m honest and understand humans are sexual creatures that want to be admired and desired – but that doesn’t make my wife any less faithful to me or love me less. At the end of the day what we truly want is each other and to make each other happy.

She ordered a few toys that will better fulfill what she wants to try and she seemed genuinely excited which made me feel a lot better.

We both want to explore and expand our sex life – but with us at the center and would not compromise something real and lasting for short term gratification


I was honest with my wife and just put it all on the table: I didn’t want any more group sex

The ideas that she finds sexy about a MFM encounter I can accomplish with some role play and extra toys

As far as the flirtation and suggestion of an MFM I have put my big boy pants on and understand two things in order to move on:

1 – I like attention too, I’ve innocently flirted before, I like getting looks from attractive women, I fantasize sometimes. I clear my conscious because I would never act on them. Asking a human to never have sexual thoughts or deny themselves attention for the sake of ultra-strict monogamy is not sustainable. I don’t like to see it, but knowing my wife doesn’t have any IRL relationships that are questionable is the ultimate reason I know it’s harmless and relate to my own feelings to better understand. I should focus on being the best partner I can be without projecting insecurities.

2 – I have to take ownership that I had a threesome with another woman and my wife wasn’t bothered… why? I don’t fully understand but everyone’s different. I could have easily agreed to an MFM encounter and high-fived the guy afterwards if my brain was wired that way… but it’s not and the idea instead made me jealous and angry. That’s not my wife’s fault – and I should be willing to give her the chance to understand that’s not what I want and not resent her for suggesting it.

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