Hi everyone, i’ve started to level up my social skills, as they were not something that were well developed naturally.

So i have a question about receiving nods from random people on the street when they walk by. Why is it done? It seems that people do this to aknowledge each other, even when they are completle strangers and to feel safer?

Its kind of an issue, as it’s not natural instinct for me to validate strangers or feel the need to be validated by strangers. But i have understood, that it might become necessary to do it even manually, as when people don’t get the nod back, they become sad, while i usually look at them, to understand if i know them from anywhere.

Please help me to understand why is it done, my social skills are at the moment beyond fucked up, as i have a very low tribal needs, as mostly i feel fulfilled even if there isn’t anyone around, but also fine when there are people around.

I never initiate the nod, as there is no instict to do that. But once i counted and when just walking short distance to grocery store, i received 12 nods, which made me want to start avoiding eye contact, as it felt more like a job to give it back. I must add that i am not extremely beautiful or anything by todays beauty standarts, and this should not be the reason why it’s being done.

Why do random people nod at random people?

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