I (25M) moved into a new apartment in October 2022. My neighbors have three kids (13M, 11F, 8F). English is not their first language. The dad is in the military and the mom is in the medical field. After a while, they asked me if I could help their son with his homework. I accepted. This is where I met B (23F). She was the father’s cousin and takes care of the kids in the evenings, three times a week. I think she noticed I was good in English/literature because since then, every time the kids struggle with an essay, she knocks on my door (I am happy to help, and sometimes she gives me a part of her pay).

One time, we were talking, and I learned that she puts the kids to bed, then studies until the mom comes home, usually around 12 PM to 2 AM. I jokingly said that if she’s tired, she can always come to my apartment and ask for coffee (they don’t have a coffee machine). She did, especially around exam time. It’s not often, but she has her own cup. We started talking/hanging out more. She teaches me her and the kids’ native language so I can understand when they all talk to each other, while I teach her how to cook because she has a tendency to burn the food. So, every Friday for the past three months, we are at her place cooking and speaking Japanese.

My problem is that last night when I was leaving, she asked if I was free tomorrow so we can havedinner together. I asked her if she was asking me out, and she said yes. The thing is that I hadn’t dated for six years, and it was a guy (I am bi). I don’t know what to do??? I am nervous, exited and stress

tl;dr I bonded with my neighbor’s kids’ babysitter. She asked me out, and I am scared.

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