So, today, I had an appointment at the doctor. Before my appointment, I got a couple of calls from a number I didn’t recognise (the doctor’s office number is a different number). Turns out it was them and they needed to reschedule my appointment (they must have been using another number). I only found out when I got there and they told me they tried to reach me to reschedule.

That’s it. I need to get over my fear of phone calls. I always let calls go to voicemail if 1. It’s a number I don’t recognise or 2. It’s a number I recognise but I’m terrified it’s going to be bad news or something (this is related to a past trauma)

I also get terrified of placing calls myself. And the fact that I live in a country where the language isn’t my first makes it so much worse. I can get by, but it makes it even less appealing to place or answer calls.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get over this? It’s so debilitating at times and just such a stupid thing to avoid, especially if it means I miss important news or can’t plan something I need to. Thanks for reading 🙂

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