I’m 25 and I feel that at this stage of my life I should have friends and have experiences and a social life but I can’t seem to make friends, I used to have friends up to like 2 years ago I started seeing them less and less and now that I don’t do any drugs (expect drink if I go out which I basically never do) I don’t see them anymore. Before that I lost a lot of friends due to my drug use and me distancing myself from them but I feel like I’ve never been able to make friends since then I’ll talk to people at my job or at school but every time I ask them to hang out or do something they all seem busy. I feel like it has to be me, like there is something wrong with me that doesn’t allow me to make friends with people.

I’m tired of being alone and feeling like crap, it’s been like this since I left high school and don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve tried learning social skills and how to start conversations but it just doesn’t seem to work out. I can see it happening in real time with my family as well, my sister no longer wants to spend time with me and prefers to go with my sister, nephew or with my mom When I talk to my mom I can see her lose interest in what I’m saying and walk away or just ignore what I’m talking about and start talking about something completely different, when I try to explain to her how my classes are going and how I can transfer soon she just says “oh that’s good” and walks away. I’m scared that I may end up alone and stay that way forever. It makes me not want to continue my education because I don’t know if I can go through 4-5 years of seeing people connect and make bonds. Seeing how they all talk and make plans and talk about what they did over the weekend sounds like so much fun I wish I had people to hangout with can anyone give me any tips or anything on how to connect with people or how to connect with family ?? Thanks you guys

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