Hi, first time posting here.

A little background on myself, I’m 30 years old male and only had one meaningful relationship ever that lasted about 9 months. Recently through my colleague I started hanging out with her best friend, we’ve met in 2022 on a camping trip but during that time I was in my first relationship. In most of my 20s I played games and basketball so I have little experience with girls and I’m pretty shy and don’t know what to talk about when hangout with girls, I try to talk more topic on whatever they like but most conversation falls short and turn into silence real quick.

I really like her and wanted to know more about her so I try to hang out with her and her friends, turns out she’s quiet the opposite of me. She has more male friends than female, my colleague is one of her three female friends? (They’ve known each other since high school) and her other bestie is a male friend which all three of them known each other for at least 10 years. She also goes out a lot and hangout with different people, like every weekend or every lunch/dinner.

Both opposite of me since I have little to no female friends (all friends I know are from gaming or basketball) and I stay home most of the time (which is prob why my social life is trash). She and I has nothing in common, I hang out with her by learning how to play Mahjang (Chinese gambling game) and we play at her house on the weekend. That’s the only thing I try to have in common with her cause she really love this game. Other than this, I don’t know how much approach her or make our friendship closer to the next step. She did add me into her friend group chat but to be honest I feel like it’s turning into a friendzone.

I’m not sure if she’s interested cause she acts very tomboy around her friends but when she talks to me she is more formal which kind of throws me off (I might be just imagine things).

Please help advise on what I should do at this point, I’m really simple minded, if I like someone I really want to let them know but I’m afraid that I might scare her. But I don’t know if keeping hanging out as majhang buddy gonna be the best solution? Or maybe I should learn and step up my texting game?

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