Okay I 24m, uses dating apps like anybody else. When I start texting about a first date. I always stay exclusive.

I feel like people are so fast to hooking up with different people to show the world “look how unattached I am” like a defense mechanism. It’s like a competition on who gives the least f***’s

Fyi I have had multiple sexual partners, 20+, so it’s not because I don’t have that option, but I always stay exclusive until I know the relation is no more. Out of respect, and to make sure no one gets hurt. I don’t ask for exclusivity back until I feel it’s appropriate. So the girls I date don’t know I do this. I also stay exclusive with FWB’s

Small story: Once I told a girl that I hooked up with, FWB, that I always stay exclusive, and she fell head over heels for me. To a point where I had to stop the relationship because she got way too attached. So I know my mentality is rare.

Am I weird for only talking to one girl at a time? Are there anybody else, girls/boys, with the same value as me?

I just sometimes feel a bit alone with this mentality and maybe I’m the weird one.

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