I live with my partner and one thing I’ve started noticing is she will regularly suggest days out or dates or trips away etc and then if we plan it out, she’ll complain about actually being short of money so she doesn’t think she can afford to go. She’ll expect me to offer to pay for most things while we go away.
A couple of times doesn’t bother me but it’s starting to become more frequent.

An example is that this week we had a nice restautant booked to go to thne my gf decides to but some new clothes and furniture. Once she bought that she then said she can’t afford the meal so I’d either have to pay or we’d have to cancel.

Anexample of this is next month I am getting a pay rise at work so I decided to take a month to treat myself instead of saving any money. I planned to take my gf out for a nice meal and we are going on a double date with my friend and his girlfriend in a nearby city.

I have paid the hotel and travel costs and told my gf I’ll be getting our meal when we’re there so all she’ll need is money for drinks. She said this was fine.

Now she’s saying she thinks I’ll need to pay for the full night since she’s seeing friends next month and has other things to pay for. I told her no and her response was just that we’ll have to cancel the night then.

She’s also started mentioning the amount of money I’m planning to spend next month and keeps asking if I’m going to get her a treat or a present etc. I point out that I am taking her for a meal and a night away and she just changes the subject.

Another example is that this week we had a nice restautant booked to go to thne my gf decides to but some new clothes and furniture. Once she bought that she then said she can’t afford the meal so I’d either have to pay or we’d have to cancel.

She got angry and told me I was having a go at her for nothing and that i was wrong with what I was accusing her of. She said it’s just a coincidence and that I’m out of order for accusing her. Does anyone ahve any advice on how to handle this?

tl;dr my gf regularly makes plans with me and then coincidentally cannot afford it when it comes to actually doing the plan and just seems to expect me to pay

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