I’m in my 20s and my coworker is a woman in her 40s. She’s been in the company for nearly a decade. She has a history of making sexual remarks to folks (never went reported beyond hallway talks) and she had a relationship with an old employee. I told folks if she ever said something explicit to me I wouldn’t hesitate to bring in HR. I just dislike her beyond these reasons, and want no association.

Everyone in the office says she had me in her sights to romance. During lunch she started sitting in the table I’m in, which is conveniently near the cafeteria entrance so that was her excuse (she used to eat at her desk). I go there to have lunch with the other guys I like talking to, and sometimes the table is full and she will find the closest seat. No one else in the table wants to talk to her but she can’t take a damn hint.

I find her bad to work with, nevermind have a conversation with. How can I keep her away from me? I want to be unpleasant enough that she just won’t want to engage.

One thing I tried during lunch was heavy guy-talking with a potty mouth to the other guys, but she just interjects herself in the conversation and tries to be a part of it. I’m often dreading even going to the cafeteria anymore. She will come in and try to secure her seat before my buddies get there. I’m starting to eat at my desk and it’s just bothering me in general.

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