I dated with this guy 5 times. We seldom texted with each other and now he started to text me after I talked with him last Sunday, indicating I want more communication during weekdays.

He texted me today, first asking when and how often I’m required to working in the office. I said 3 and sometimes 2.

Then he texted me:
You need to find a job that allows you to be fully remote
Too much days spent in the office
Is this normal? I feel being gaslighted and offensed actually. I feel he’s judging my life and give advices which should not be given.

More info if this helps, we dated 5 times and haven’t decide to go exclusive. He asked me personal questions like how many relationships I had and my kissing history. I felt uncomfortable while I do have chemistry with him which I don’t have with other guys.

Friends around me keeps saying I’m a nice person and tolerable about mistakes and drawbacks. I don’t want people use this characteristics to control me or gaslight me. I has little experience with dating, and I don’t know whether it is me overreacting or the guy is indeed gaslighting me.

pls. Leave ur opionion or votes. Thank you!

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